Currently, wooden pallets are in constant controversy, regarding their useful life and the degree of deforestation and environmental impact that their use has.
However, a wooden pallet can be reused, repaired, recycling or even used as biofuel, its reuse helps to reduce soil erosion and also extends the carbon storage effect of wood, a cubic meter of wood houses more than una tonelada de CO2.
En el ámbito de los embalajes y el transporte de mercancías, las tarimas de madera son una solución popular y efectiva, especialmente para cargas pesadas. Las empresas de empaques de madera, ofrecen diversas soluciones de embalaje a medida, que incluyen cajas y paletas de madera, así como sistemas de fijación y protección de carga. Además, la madera certificada y sostenible, como la madera de pino y roble, es una opción respetuosa con el medio ambiente que contribuye a la protección de los productos durante el transporte y almacenamiento. También es importante considerar el diseño de embalaje y las soluciones logísticas adecuadas para garantizar la seguridad en el transporte y la exportación de los productos. El tratamiento térmico es una práctica común para la exportación de madera, asegurando que se cumplan las normas internacionales para evitar la propagación de plagas. En la construcción, la madera es un material versátil y duradero que se utiliza en diversos tipos de edificaciones.
In this article you will learn about some benefits of using wood in pallets as opposed to plastic pallets.
Materials most used in pallets and uses
Pallets are one of the most important elements in the export of products, they provide support for the merchandise, as well as efficient handling. There are various types and materials for the pallets, entre los más comunes están los de plástico y tarimas de madera, así como sus diversos usos, desde la industria de alimentos (pallets de plástico) hasta la industria automotriz (pallets madera).
Ambos tipos de pallets tienen sus beneficios y desventajas dentro de la industria, pero si hablamos de sectores donde se necesite la exportación de productos pesados para la protección de carga, la madera es la mejor opción y no solo por su durabilidad, si no por ser fácil de reutilizar a costos bajos. Dentro de la cadena de suministro y el sector logístico es importante innovar y proporcionar el pallet correcto a los consumidores.
Why use wood?
Wood is a durable and environmentally friendly material and today they are still an important part of moving goods, this material not only offers protection against external forces but also has added presentation value when used in other types of packaging.
A study conducted by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and the US Forest Service, calculate that 508 million new pallets were manufactured, while 25 million were recycledDespite the myths surrounding their poor sustainability rating compared to other materials such as plastic, which can take centuries to break down into particles small enough to be comfortably handled by the natural ecosystem, wooden pallets have an impressive recycling history.
Wooden pallets have been one of the main protagonists of the current industry, during 2019 Costco announced that it would gradually change the plastic pallets inside its warehouse and replace them with wooden pallets. The CEO mentioned that the cost of pallets was three times higher and the damage rate was about one tenth higher than wooden pallets.
It is important to note that the use of wooden pallets requires care within its production process, for this it is important to follow the regulations
in the use of wood in transport and packaging; All pallets must have regulations that regulate their characteristics, as well as their use.
El uso de tarimas de madera requiere atención especial en su proceso de producción, especialmente en Monterrey donde se realizan empaques y embalajes de madera para la exportación de mercancías. Es importante seguir las normativas que regulan el tratamiento térmico, la certificación de la madera y la protección de carga para garantizar la seguridad en el transporte y protección de productos. Además, se pueden diseñar soluciones de embalaje a medida y sistemas de fijación para cargas pesadas y almacenamiento de productos, utilizando madera sostenible como el pino y el roble para su fabricación. La utilización de cajas y paletas de madera en el embalaje industrial es una práctica común que requiere un diseño adecuado y normativas que regulen su uso y exportación. En resumen, es importante garantizar la seguridad y la protección de productos mediante el uso de soluciones logísticas y sistemas de embalaje adecuados.
Disadvantages of using a plastic pallet
Plastic pallets have been widely used within the commercial and pharmaceutical industry, thanks to their benefits, but how accessible and reliable are they today? Within the environmental impact it is a harmful raw material due to its manufacture, being manufactured with elements derived from petroleum, they tend to generate more pollutants.
They can not only cause problems in the environment, but also within your business:
1. Under excessive load they can be deformed.
2. Inside the warehouse they must remain dry, since there is the possibility of them slipping from the forklift or racks.
3. In case of having cracks or breaks, they cannot be repaired, so you must replace them with new ones and your cost would rise.
4. They are 3 times more expensive than wooden pallets.
5. They release toxic gases when burned.
5 benefits of using wood in pallets
1. Wood is the cheapest option compared to materials such as metal, plastic and even cardboard.
2. When the pallets are degraded or damaged, they are not thrown away, the wood is recycled or reused, either in the manufacture and repair of new pallets or it is ground and used for boards or decorations.
3. They are customized according to your needs.
4. They support all kinds of large volume and resistance merchandise, which prevents your products from being damaged when exporting or moving.
5. They have an impact with respect to the carbon footprint, since they can be reused 10 to 15 times.
We share with you 4 stages through which wooden platforms pass at the end of their life cycle.
1. Collection: flatbed trucks or containers go through the pallets
2. Classification: once in the treatment plant they are divided by type of pallet.
3. Shredding: waste is turned into chips, shavings or sawdust and are managed as boards, compost or energy recovery.
4. Expedition: commercialization of a new product.
Are you interested in innovative alternatives that help you improve the performance of your wooden pallets within your industry. Get in touch with us and we will gladly provide you with the necessary solutions that adapt to the needs of your company. Contact us.